Silent victory! 🎉
2098 points
Took 1:51:16
232 days ago
Ascension 19
1 / 1 Silent streak

Neow bonus

We picked a random Common relic.

Hint: You can click on relics, floors, cards, and the keys.


Obtained on floor 0
Cards drawn: 64
Per turn: 0.42
Per combat: 2.06
Obtained on floor 0
Obtained on floor 6
Obtained on floor 9
HP healed: 153
Obtained on floor 17
Cards obtained: 
- Poisoned Stab
- A Thousand Cuts
- Piercing Wail
- Choke
- Catalyst
- Alchemize
- Bullet Time
- Tactician
- Endless Agony
- Flying Knee
Obtained on floor 22
Relics dug: 3
Obtained on floor 29
Dexterity gained: 50
Per turn: 0.57
Per combat: 3.57
Obtained on floor 30
Cards drawn: 28
Per turn: 0.34
Per combat: 2.15
Obtained on floor 34
Obtained on floor 36
Obtained on floor 38
Cards drawn: 3
Per turn: 0.05
Per combat: 0.38
Obtained on floor 40
Expected extra potions: 1.66
Per turn: 0.04
Per combat: 0.28
Obtained on floor 42
Extra card options: 6
Obtained on floor 43
Cards drawn: 10
Per turn: 0.27
Per combat: 2.00
Obtained on floor 44
Obtained on floor 46
Obtained on floor 49
Relevant poison applied: 8
Per turn: 0.29
Per combat: 2.67
Obtained on floor 52
Obtained on floor 54
Block gained: 36
Per turn: 3.60
Per combat: 36.00

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